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bog into造句

"bog into"是什么意思  
  • He turned bogs into arable land by ploughing, liming and seeding it.
  • It also pledged to rehabilitate bogs into farmland or forest after harvesting the peat.
  • The edges of the bog were further developing from a bog into a slightly drier wetland.
  • Specifically, the conversion of peat bogs into oil palm plantations has made Indonesia the world's third largest producer of greenhouse gases.
  • Roderick Simmons, a botanist with the Maryland Native Plants Society, said the 100, 000 gallons of water flowing daily from the 6.5-acre bog into Mattawoman Creek is " ultra-pure spring water ."
  • It has also been suggested ( by Chris Freeman ) that the release of dissolved organic carbon ( DOC ) from peat bogs into water courses ( from which it would in turn enter the atmosphere ) constitutes a positive feedback for global warming.
  • Before reaching Inishmore on the last day, we also cycled around the Killary Fjord and into Leenane, past the 150-year-old Kylemore abbey, through Clifden, across a typical bog into the coastal town of Roundstone and southward along the coast to Carraroe and Rossaveel.
  • The best theologian he ever met, he used to say, was the old Edinburgh fishwife who, having recognized him as Hume the atheist, refused to pull him out of the bog into which he had fallen until he declared he was a Christian and repeated the Lord's prayer.
  • In his published opinion in " In re Dow ", 213 F . 355 ( E . D . S . C . 1914 ), Judge Smith wrote regarding judicial interpretations of the racial prerequisite in the early U . S . naturalization statute : " All of which foregoing discussion may seem wholly out of place in a reasoned legal opinion as to the construction of a statute, except as illustrating the Serbonian bog into which a court or judge will plunge that attempts to make the words'white persons'conform to any racial classification ."
  • It's difficult to see bog into in a sentence. 用bog into造句挺难的
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